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About BMi


The BMi vision is expressed through our churches and ministries unique and individual vision and calling.

Our vision is two-fold:

  1. to see strong and healthy churches and ministers established and nurtured where the priesthood of all believers is exercised and believers are trained, equipped and released to grow to their full potential and maturity in God and
  2. to facilitate the command of Jesus to disciple the nations of the world, by providing and encouraging leadership, church planting and training in various forms.


The Bible: BMi is committed to the Bible, as God’s inerrant revelation to man. The Bible is inspired and authoritative in all matters relating to life, ministry and conduct in God’s kingdom.

Healthy, growing churches: BMi believes healthy churches promote growth, both internally and in planting new churches.

Family of churches: Whilst BMi strongly supports and endorses autonomous local churches, our reason to exist is in large part to build a family of churches in support and commitment to one another.

Spirit empowered: BMi believes in a balance between the objective Word of God – the Bible and the subjective ministry of the Holy Spirit in revelation to see the Bible come to life in our churches and members lives.

Sovereign grace of God: BMi embraces the sovereign grace of God not only in salvation but in every dimension of Christian life.


To develop healthy churches and ministries by:

To support and resource our member churches and ministries to facilitate the fulfilment of their God-given potential.

To seek to fulfil the call of Jesus to disciple all nations by planting and building healthy churches and ministries wherever and whenever God grants opportunity.

To encourage the building of strong families where children can be equipped for their life’s work of ministry.

To encourage and embrace the body of Christ through relationship with the various denominational groups.

To honour and respect civil authorities whilst recognising our responsibility to remind them of their responsibility to govern according to the word of God.

To honour and respect the God-given authority of the family and church in the governance of nations.


BMi is a fellowship of churches and ministries with a National Leadership Team to facilitate joint activities and administrative functions. BMi provides regular opportunity for fellowship, through State and National Gatherings which offer encouragement, instruction and the building of relationships.

Whilst BMi has a basic position on church polity and theological stance which are expressed in its various documents, details of these matters are considered the responsibility of local member churches.

BMi will continue to develop its distinctive call and destiny, whilst maintaining fellowship with other denominations, both in Australia and beyond. The present leader of BMi is Pastor Peter Frogley who sees his role as restoring the original focus of the primacy of scripture, the building of healthy outreaching churches and the building of an even stronger relational framework between member churches both in Australia and internationally.


BMi recognises the church universal organised into local congregations. Within BMi those local congregations will be autonomous and self-governing, but as members of BMi they will be interdependent and working together for mutual benefit and the greater glory of our Lord. BMi local churches are self-propagating; initiating growth and church planting in liaison with BMi. Our churches are governed by overseers (which may be known variously in different churches), led by a minister credentialed by BMi and served by deacons (helpers).

Our churches are composed of people who:

  1. are saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
  2. are baptised with water
  3. ideally baptised in the Holy Spirit
  4. are in submission to the overseers who are responsible to shepherd, disciple and lead the local church.

21 October 2019
Registrations are now open for Christians in a Pagan World - our 2020 Summer School in January. Don’t forget earlybird closes Friday 6 December. Register online here.

15 Mar 2019
Highlands Christian Church has begun the MHCD Luvungi Education Fund, supporting education in DR Congo. This is a great opportunity to directly help children in poverty to attend school. Download the brochure here.

14 Feb 2019
More great newsy news from MPFG in the Philippines. Read all about it here.

17 Mar 2018
MPFG in the Philippines have released their latest newsletter. Check it out here.

14 Nov 2017
Donations are now being taken for the MPFG Christmas Giving campaign, assisting families and children in the Philippines. Find out all the information here.

1 Sept 2017
Heartbeat is back again with reports from Africa and the Philippines, plus an exciting new young leaders initiative from Darren Hessenberger. Download it here.

20 April 2017
MPFG in the Philippines have released their latest newsletter. Check it out here.

14 March 2017
The first edition of Heartbeat for 2017 has arrived with a new look and reports from the Summer School and the latest India visit. Find it here.

10 August 2016
The August edition of Heartbeat is here, complete with a full report of the NLG as well as news from Africa, Philippines and the local Cheltenham cinema. Click here to download.

12 July 2016
It may not be summer, but Summer School earlybird registrations are now open. Preach the Word is the theme. Register online here.

12 May 2016
Heartbeat makes its first appearance for 2016, including news from January’s Summer School and another update from the Philippines. Download it here.

14 December 2015
Kingdom Thoughts for December has just been released, titled Understanding the times. Download it here.

16 November 2015
John Nardusso reports on the Philippines in the November edition of Heartbeat. Click here to download.

21 October 2015
Are you worried about the state of the world today? Kingdom Thoughts has some solutions here.

23 June 2015
The latest edition of Heartbeat is now available. Click here to download it and read the latest news from Africa and India.

27 May 2015
Sola Scriptura or Solo Scriptura? More insight on scripture and tradition from Chris Whiting in May’s Kingdom Thoughts. Click here to download.

28 April 2015
Chris Whiting continues his series on scripture and tradition in this month's Kingdom Thoughts. Click here to download.

4 March 2015
Fresh from the 2015 Summer School, Chris Whiting has penned some excellent Kingdom Thoughts concerning scripture and traditions. Check it out here.

18 February 2015
The BMi office has a new phone number! Please amend your records to (02) 6112 8527 - or for our international friends +61 2 6112 8527. Fax, email, web and all other contact details remain the same.

2 February 2015
MPFG in the Philippines have released their latest newsletter. Check it out here.

16 January 2015
Happy New Year! Check out the NLT’s themes for 2015 in the latest edition of Kingdom Thoughts. Get it here.

19 December 2014
A special Christmas edition of Kingdom Thoughts is now available - Click here to download it.

3 December 2014
The latest edition of Heartbeat is out! Click here to download it and read about the latest news from around the BMi family.

25 November 2014
No Turning Back is the theme for the 2015 National Leaders Gathering in Grindelwald, Tasmania. Online and paper registrations are now available at https://www.bmi.org.au/nlg. Sounds like a great time of moving forward!

18 November 2014
What does God’s Word mean to you? November Kingdom Thoughts is now available for download here or on the resources page.

28 October 2014
Kingdom Thoughts for October is now available for download, with a story or two from Africa. View it here or on the resources page.

27 October 2014
Online registration for the BMi Summer School 2015 is now available and all are encouraged to attend. The theme is The Church and it will be held from 19-23 January at the new HOTRock building in New Gisborne, Vic. Access the registration details here.

22 August 2014
Kingdom Thoughts for August is available for download, titled ‘Rightly Dividing’. Is it a maths lesson? Or is it something else? Find out here or on the resources page.

16 July 2014
Kingdom Thoughts for July is available for download, featuring Stuart Townend’s hymn ‘In Christ Alone’. Download it here or on the resources page.

26 June 2014
Details and registration forms are now available for our 2015 Summer School, with the theme The Church. Download the brochure here.

24 June 2014
Kingdom Thoughts for June is finally available - who knew the alphabet had such meaning? Download it here.

6 May 2014
Another issue of Kingdom Thoughts is now available - if you don’t have it in your inbox you can download it here.

5 May 2014
BMi has launched a ‘Project Register’ which is a list of all BMi projects with their specific needs for finance, practical/trade support, or simply prayer support. We encourage all churches to participate - see the details here or contact the office for more information.

30 April 2014
Congratulations to Joe and Primrose Chavez on the launch of their new church headquarters in Bacolod City in the Philippines. National Leader Peter Frogley (along with his grandson) is there to assist with the celebrations, and Kevin Donohue’s Australian team is also in attendance. We look forward to hearing more great news from these guys.

17 April 2014
The NLT along with the National Office has launched a new simplified website layout which will hopefully be easier to manage for everyone. Watch this space for regular updates on anything and everything around BMi.