In Ephesians Paul tells us of ‘one Spirit’ (Eph 4:4), who is working toward the unity of all things in Christ (Eph 1:10). But we also find a multitude of wicked spirits seeking to fragment the cosmos with a plethora of pagan beliefs. Today’s ‘neo-paganism’ displays every pagan manifestation of old — polytheism, animism, pantheism, gnosticism, witchcraft and heathenism.

The revealing of this mystery of unity in Christ is a task for the church, which is to display ‘to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms, the innumerable aspects of God’s wisdom’ (Eph 3:10). In a day when we are witnessing the progressive paganisation of state, culture, family and sexual values, Christ’s Church needs to be equipped for its task of ‘unity in the faith’ (Eph 4:13). We cannot live contra to such things if we cannot recognise them. The 2020 Summer School grapples with the challenges of paganisation and the Gospel’s answer to them.

The BMi Summer School is a chance to devote four days to the exploration and study of God with other like-minded people. Registration is open to all who are interested.

Dates Monday 13 to Friday 17 January 2020
Venue House of the Rock Church
247 Station Rd, New Gisborne, Vic
Conference cost $220 (includes meals except breakfast)
Earlybird Registration Earlybird rate of $190 if paid in full by Friday 6 December 2019 - save $30
Accommodation Various hotel accommodation options are available (please see the registration form for more details)
More information Phone the BMi office on (02) 6112 8527 or email